Photovoltaic Installations

Photovoltaic Installations

We will size the installation to cover your consumption, we do not believe in zero bills

In The Best Hands

We carry out installations with materials and equipment of the best range. We are trained and certified by different manufacturers and distributors. We install microinverters, centralized inverters, optimizers...


  • Installations from start to finish
  • Legalizations
  • Maintenance
  • Troubleshooting
  • Aplicattions for subsides and bonus
  • For individuals, companies and communities


If you are interested in a particular brand of inverter or panels, do not hesitate to contact to us. We adapt to your preferences!

In The Best Hands

Compatibility with electric vehicle charging


It is possible to charge the electric vehicle with the energy we obtein from the solar panels. At GDS Installations we are specialized in this and offer you this possibility.