Deductions for works to improve the energy efficiency of homes.
Som of the requirments are:
- The works must be carried out in rented or owned homes.
- Improvements can be:
- In reducing the demand for heating and cooling. Ex.: Aerothermia.
- In the reduction in the consumption of non-renewable primary energy. Ex.: Photovoltaics.
- In energy rehabilitation. Ex.: Insolations.
The deduccuions range from 20%, 40% fins al 60%, with a maximum in each of the three deductions respectively.
- Two energy efficiency certificates issued by a competent technician are required. One before ther performance and one after.
- For the deduction there must be a significant improvement.
- The deadline is from October 6 to December 31 2024.
- The energy efficiency certificate after the work must be dated before January 1, 2025.
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