Compensation of surpluses

Compensation of surpluses

We are GDS Installations and in this article we want to talk to you about the surplus of your photovoltaic generation. Since many of you already have an installation at home or business, or you are thinking of taking the step, we want to give you some information on how you can get the most out of it and obtain greater savings.

As you may have heard, there are two different options with which you can be compensated for your surpluses, that is, the kWh you pour into the grid. We are talking about the simplified compensation and the battery or virtual wallet, which comes to be the same thing. Now we will explain in detail what each concept means.


The simplified compensation means that all the surpluses you had that month will be compensated for in the energy part or variable part of the bill. According to the regulations, at most you can be compensated for the kWh consumed in the month. This is a good option when there are not many surpluses.


Regarding batteries or virtual wallets, in addition to compensating you every month, if you have more surpluses than what you have consumed in the month, they accumulate them for you in the form of kWh (battery) or in the form of euros ( purse). It can be a good option in case of many surpluses, but it involves a larger investment that you will take longer to recover.


So far so good, but what we really want to tell you is that you should always look at the prices they offer you for your surpluses and if there are any management or service costs for the battery or virtual wallet you hire. We are finding cases where companies are charging double the price they compensate. Or, in the case of the battery or wallet, there are those that, for example, charge a monthly cost of around 5 euros for each kW of power you have installed. In many cases, this will make your savings less than expected.


It must be said that there are companies that nowadays compensate you for more than one supply for a single generation installation, and there are even some that compensate you for the power or toll part. But we repeat what we have told you, you must evaluate and study all the prices and concepts of your invoice and compare with other offers and finally change in case it is convenient. Keep in mind that your contract can be permanent!


Finally, we want you to be aware that an installation that is thought and designed to cover your needs will actually give you greater savings given that the investment you will have to make will be smaller and, therefore, the time of depreciation will be lower. In addition, all the kWh you can consume at the same time of generation will be the most profitable for you because they will not be devalued.