Bateries or not?

Bateries or not?

For us, the installation of batteries is the last step. There are several resons an we will explain bellow.

We are not confident in how the main compnents of batteries, mainly lithium an cobalt, are extracted. Very often extracted in exploited and expropriated countries, which do not even have regulations that protect workers' rights. Also due to the pollution caused by its extration, especially from water.


Another fact that does not convince us is the recycling of these electronic devices and their chemical components. We don't see that there is a circular cycle that reuses these components and, therefore, they can end up in landfills or, even worse, dumped in the enviroment.


However, we are also aware of the need to make a change in the energies we use and the need to reduce emissions. A very important fact in mobility, which forces us to turn towards electric mobility.


We also know that there are countries and manufacturers that take all these aspects into account and that a lot of research is being done on how to reuse this equipment and how to recycle their components.


We think that a balance between energy sources is the solution, but always thinking about reduction. One of our principles is that of the three rules or ars (reduce, reuse and recycle), in that same order.


Finally, it must be said that in many the installation of batteries is a good solution, but we must bear in mind that there are other options such as simplified compensation, virtual battery and surplus optimization.


GDS Instal·lacions.